God's tide

God's tide

Friday, February 11, 2011

To believe or not to believe...that is the question


If we took the bible and re-wrote it into some "easy to read" format would you look at it differently.
I see posts daily about God and religion and Wars and Diplomatic this or that.
A friend asked a question yesterday....
Which do you believe?
Adam and Eve or Evolution?
I responded.....Adam and Eve
Well you know where that got me. lol
So I write this blog today because it just seems to me that the question
never really gets answered.
It gets filled with issues and topics that go far beyond the simple question at hand.

If we look at the creation of Adam and Eve we all know they were pure and perfect.
 We all know that God asked them to be fruitful and multiply.
We all know that they lived in a perfect garden.
Ok here is the tricky part.  The bible tells the story of just one tree.
it is the tree of knowledge.  Adam and Eve were told to never eat from that tree.
Here is where I feel the need to re-write it so it is easy to understand.
The tree is a metaphor. 
Now remember I am writing this so it is easy to read.
You all know that Lucifer was banned from heaven. He wanted to be the boss. So God kicked him out.
You all know that Lucifer was an Angel (human form)
When he was kicked out he wanted to destroy God.
He went to the garden of Eden and he waited till Eve was alone. 
Like at a bar....he hit on her.  Told her that she didn't just have to be with Adam.
He can make her feel as good or even better.
He lured her into his arms.  Made love to her.
She left and was so ashamed that she betrayed Adam that she didn't want him to see her.
So she wore the leaf to hide herself. 
Maybe it was a rape. Maybe that is why she hid from Adam.
Non the less....Lucifer seeded her with child.
Cain and Able.
Cain was Lucifer's son. Able was Adam's.
A bastard child that didn't get the attention from his parents like Able did.
He grew up more angry and hated Able even more.
Cain kills Able.

So there it is.  The answer to lives question.

Can you see this as the beginning of war?  Can you see this as the mass destruction of everything good? Can you see why we have different beliefs and why we have one side or the other?

I will not go through the entire Bible to explain how all the other things happened.  
I just feel this is where it all started.

Even to this day we have children out of wedlock.  Affairs and secrets. We to this day are ashamed to face the truth of our own doings.
Some of you get married and take vows before God (yes he is always mentioned in the vows) and you don't believe in him.
You believe in Evolution.

I believe in God's laws.  And yes I break them.  I am more of a criminal in God's eyes then in Man's laws.
I serve a lifetime sentence.  My parole may or may not come.  I accepted what I have been sentenced for and  I accept the punishment.  I will not fight it.  I will not hate my judge for giving it to me.

Non believers  

Go and blame everyone else for all your bullshit.  Go and hide and kill anyone who tries to bring you to justice. Get a heavier sentence and never stand a chance of being set free.