God's tide

God's tide

Monday, January 31, 2011

Ever feel like the light is too far?

Dale had another interview last week. 
 It went perfect and all the signs were there that he landed the job. We waited all weekend and just knew today they would call and we would finally be out of this rut. 
Call comes in....and they gave it to someone else.
My heart sank back so deep into my chest that it hurt. My wonderful beautiful spectacular husband just tells me in his calm voice....
 It just means there is something better for me out there honey.
I thank God everyday that he has the strength to hold us both up because I am definitely
 not that strong.
Is it that bad out there?  Are we the only ones feeling this?
There is so much stress building inside me that it affects everyone around me.  My Mom, bless her heart, she takes everything so personal.  My problems are because of her.  That helps.
 I don't have the patients to console her.
 I just get mad and walk away. 
 She is lonely and I am the last person she can rely on to make her life different right now.
 Not a comforting feeling but I can't fix it.
Why do I sit here and write all my crappy feelings and allow everyone to read. 
 I know it is pretty depressing.
 I would love to write to all and tell you Dale landed the biggest greatest career move 
and I am having a huge party to celebrate.
Not this week.
Again I say to you all that read this. Thank you for your support.
I know there is a light out there...and when we see it....it will be so bright. 
The only other light I will have to look for is the one God leaves on for us.

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